Friday, December 12, 2008

A Lil More on the Adult side

This blog is al lil more on the adult side so if your easily offended now is the time to stop reading. I am so excited becuase we and by we I mean my husband Joe and I, have a date tommorow with this really sexy chik named Ryan. I can't wait to see her and have some fem to fem intimatcy. My husband of coarse is excited like he is everytime but, I found this chik and I can't wait.
I have an exciting erotic night plannned for the three of us some games, pictures and a lil ol fashion truth or dare. Hopefully my next blog will about how satisified my encountor went. Mandi

Monday, November 10, 2008


I got alot of stuff to wrote about today. This blog be will more of my thoughts than just a rant about one subject. First let me say that " Change has come to America" and for those who doubted he would win, what are you thinking now ? So let's just say CONGRATS TO PRESIDENT ELECT~ BARRAK OBAMA !!!!! This people is part of history. It is something our parents started in the civil rights movment and something we helped make possibale by our open mindedness. I can honestly say this is the topic that sparked this blog. It makes me think about my mom, who on 11-16-2005 passed away. All of my life she used to say, " I hope before I die, but definatley before you die, we will see a black president." Though Mom didnt get to see it I did. I helped make it happen and I feel like she did see it. My mom, god rest her soul, was a very big advocate for equal rights. She was jailed for protesting unfair conditions and she would have been so happy to with this election.
Each year as Novemeber pusses on I get very emotionnal about Mommy. I don't have any friends that have lost a parent and it is hard to convey that sorrow to people. I find my self moving threw most of the year( except: her birthday and Mothers Day) without this sorrow following me around any more.
So as Barrak said on the night he became the 44th President "Change has come to America!!!'
Keep the change coming :)

Friday, October 31, 2008

The 1985 little kid in me~ Mario worker

Recently I was online checking out free-ware downloads when i realized that Mario Brothers is now old enough to be consider free-ware. So I downloaded a copy of Mario forever. Along with the game came a program called Mario worker. Now I should tell you that Mario brothers anything is my weakness. I have played and beat all versions of the Mario games. So when i opened up the Mario worker to my great excitement it was a build your own Mario game. It starts on a blank grid and you design every aspect of the game from start to finish point, gombas, turtles, coins and even a Bowser. All the classic Mario elements are a mouse clicks away. This is so cool. I find myself losing hours of time and saying to the hubby " You gotta come over here and try this level".
I now also have a new respect for game makers b/c there are certain aspects that have to be done over and over threw trail runs and errors. The one aspect that I had trouble remembering was to make to blocks solid. I had no idea. The first level that I made was of coarse short and sweet, just to try my hand at it. I started to play the level and kept falling threw the ground. I quickly learned.
I know this is a silly blog but it is something I have been doing and loving. So try it out I highly recommend it !!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008


I have had all i can take of this years election. It is not about who is best suited for this country anymore, but about black or not. So many redneck, fucks are backing Jon McCain simply because he's the white candidate. I personally did not make my descion until I saw Obama speak live. I was totally backing Hillary at the time ( b4 the primaries), however when I heard that man speak about what he planned to do our declining country, I got chills and said out loud, " that's the next president." I have know every since then that that would be the truth. Like I said earlier many people are afraid to have a black president and are backing McCain for the wrong reasons. People are constantly bitching about the war and the gas prices or the economy and we all know that it stems from having a republican (bush's mostly) in the office since 1980, except for the 8 years Clinton was in office , which the economy was booming.So this blog was sparked by a bulletin on my myspace. Its so silly and the thing is more suited if u replace Obama's name with McCain's. So vote, have a voice and watch the change coming !!!


Obama Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want.
He Leadeth Me Beside Still Factories,
He Restoreth My Faith In The Republican Party,
He Guideth Me In The Paths Of Unemployment.
Yea, Though I Walk Through The Valley Of The Bread Line, I Shall Not Go
Obama Has Anointed My Income With Taxes,
My Expenses Runneth Over My Income,
Surely, Poverty And Hard Living Will Follow Me All The Days Of My Life.
The Democrats And I Will Live Forever In a Rented Room.

But I Am Glad I Am an American,
I Am Glad That I Am Free.
But I Wish I Was A Dog
And Obama A Tree.

This is the craziest example of propaganda I've ever seen. The world may say what they want but in one week the rednecks, bigots and just plain stupid people will wake to see the next leader of the free world is black man. OBAMA will change this country for the better. I ask have u ever heard the man speak live or listened to what he plans to do 4 our country's money problems, college students and soldiers in Iraq!! It sad that so many ppl will vote for his opponent just because he is black. All that stuff said in he lil prayer here will be the future of our country with another 4-8 years of Republican rule.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Mobster for Myspace~


This is the newest fad hitting all myspace users like a brick truck. Now I have to admit that I do endulge in the game. However, I use it as it was intendented, for entertainment. I got on my mobster page today to find it blown up with comments from people that I had beaten in battle asing me, of all questions, "why did u fight me?'. Are serious? I fought you for experience and money thats the name of the game. Now this is a fun game and an amusing way to passs the time. but people are going way overboard flooding the bulliten boards and mass inviting people.

When I open my mobster page the main area is filled with people acting like they really run something or they are really memebers of the mob.Comon people this is just a dumb game and if the ridiciolus of the game dsoesnt stop itll be another app that i ignore like the other ones that drive me crazy.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Addiction

Ok, so This is the deal. I am a reality show addict. I can get enopugh of them. It doesnt matter how silly they are. It seems like anymore anyone can get a reality show to find love. And alothough they provide me a great deal of entertainment, I'm sure most of theese shows are more staged than reaility.

The era of the love show has evoulved to include any hot person who did not win on the their predasing show. The two most recent have been REal and Chance, from I love New york and Daisy from Rock of Love.Now I'm not knocking these folks for trying to find love but agian I'm werry that anyone can find their tru love out of 20 contestants. However I will tune in week after week to find out if they do lol.
Not to mucg else to say just wanted to verbalize my lil secret. MAndi

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's only Natural...

With today's eco-friendly, green conscious society, it amazes me that something as harmless as Marijuana is still illegal. At least 5 times a week I turn on the news, whether it be t.v or radio, and hear about people who have died as a the result of a drunk driver; however, when was the last time anyone heard of someone being struck by a stoned driver.... Never that's when.
As a Young adult I can name several men in my family whom have passed away due to liver problems from drinking, yet I have never known anyone to die of being a pot head. No over doses or body parts shutting down.
Now I am not going to sit here and dictate facts that most of use know by heart. I just wanted to ask a simple question..... " If God created everything in nature for use to use to our discretion, Then isn't it only natural that people use the things in their environments? "
* Even poisonous snakes bite each other for the buzz of the others venom.